Friday, October 21, 2022
10 flowers to bring pollinators to your garden
Do you think your garden is not very inviting to the natural pollinators or have the opinion that natural pollinators are not interested in your garden anymore? If yes, then this list below is here for you. This list here has names of flowers that can grow in your garden which will naturally attract the pollinators to your garden.
Needless to say bee population is at risk. Nearly 70% of the Ontario bee keepers have reported the loss of bees after winter season. Shaun Hensher, an Ontario bee keeper have suggested a way to save bee population. He suggested that it is very necessary to plant wildflowers in every nook and cranny possible. But it is important to know which are the flowers that the bees likes the most!
The below list is of flowers that bees love. Not only bees, these are the flowers that also the other pollinators like humming birds, butterflies, dragonflies love the most and they will be tempted to visit your garden.
1. Dandelions
Well it's not a joke but a reality that after winters it is the best food for the bees. It's not necessary that you keep them all around in the summer season but surely keep them before any other which is planted and growing. The bees first preference is dandelions as the whole long winter they feed themselves with their stored honey and therefore they need to feed on by a natural way, which is definitely the 'dandelions'.
2. Bee Balm
As of now we all know that bees gets attracted to bright colors and therefore the best of flowers which comes in various shades is the must of the season. This are of various colors, red, pink, white, purple therefore you are bound to like any of it for sure. Even the humming birds loves it! Also the leaves can be used in tea therefore you can sip on it and enjoy the bees and your lovely garden synchronizing into beautiful rhythm.
3.Black-eyed Susan
They are usually a favorite among various others. They are sometimes referred to as mini sunflowers also. It comes in shades of orange and red therefore attracting the bees. It also has two toned petals that adds on to the gorgeous of the garden.
4. Sunflowers
This flower is the most popular among the others. It adds on to the beauty of the garden. The bees most spend their whole life time on this flower. So it has got special importance in bees population. It attracts various birds even to come and feed on its seeds. Hence if you are a bird watcher then this is a must for your garden.
5. Cranes-bills
This pretty little beauties adds on aesthetic and nice adjectives for your garden. There wide open centers are perfect for the bees to perch while they collect pollen. This are also very persistent sometimes able to survive dry spells. Even it rights up till the frost starts to appear. Therefore necessarily it's an add on to your garden.
6. Echinacea
This is also known as purple cone flower, Echinacea can be brewed as tea also and sipped on. It can also be used as a natural treatment to cure common cold. Another perk of having this in your garden adds on the enjoyment of the birdwatchers as well as the birds to enjoy the seed heads.
7. Chives
It's not only an amazing garnish but also grow to beautiful and mesmerizing flower that the pollinators love! Having chives will guarantee that you have the readily available herbs. The bees will be extremely happy to land on the chives. Therefore you will also have a little bee as your company.
8. Lavender
As the name suggests the color of lavender attracts and mesmerizes the bees a lot. It is extremely beautiful to look at. It's having a beautiful smell and can also be used to flavor the dishes. It can be brewed as tea to relieve stress ,improve mood, reduce inflammation, and imparts a restful, relaxing sleep.
9. Roses.
The bright red color attracts a lot of pollinators. Not the bouquets but the single rose attracts it. It induces beauty and romanticism in the garden. We can dip the roses in water and use the natural rose water to get benefited by various ways. We can even take the rose-ships and make tea! Therefore it's a mandatory add on for your garden.
10. Catmint
It's quite similar to catnip except the wild smell that drives away wild cats. It acts as a great insect repellent ,hence if you have a vegetable garden it will be a great addition to it.
So therefore add on this list in your garden and let's all join hands to save the endangered bees population, together!!
Amazing Benefits your body gets from eating chocolate
The chocolate being our childhood best friend and a delightful treat for everyone. It has been etched In our memories bit we tend to only enjoy chocolate on occasional event. But there's the revelation that eating chocolate everyday can actually benefit us.
Chocolate has the same healthy compounds which are found in fruits and veggies. But the pleasure of having bars and leftover Easter bunnies have their own ways. If we want to get benefited from chocolate, our starters should be made up of at least 60% of cacao, according to De Santis.
Cocoa and dark chocolate contains high amounts of polyphenols. To be precise a subgroup of polyphenols, flavonoids. They are having antioxidative capacity, free radical scavenging capacity, coronary heart disease prevention and anticancer activity. While some flavonoids exhibit potentials for human deficiency virus. We should consume 10 grams of chocolate everyday in order to not add on excess sugar in our diet.
Here are the benefits :
#1: Chocolate may reduce cardiovascular diseases:
In a study published in journal 'Heart' observed 21000 people for 11 years in Norfolk, England. The conclusion came up that 12 percent of chocolate consumer died of the 17.4 percent who didn't consume chocolate. While this being an observational study didn't have cause and effect. Harvard Health publishing noted that non consumer had an average high weight, more artery damaging inflammation, more diabetes, less physically active, had diets with least amount of fat.
#2: Chocolate can relieve inflammation
Inflammation gives rise to various problems. Sore muscles, headache, etc. Some is good as it sways out infection but some are dangerous even.
Here plays the chocolates flavonoids acting as antioxidants. More interestingly this can trigger the growth of good bacteria in stomach leading to anti inflammatory.
#3: Chocolate may improve cognitive function
The consumption of dark chocolate enhances brain frequencies, neuro-plasticity. Neurologists say the more amount of cacao we intake the more positive impacts we will be having in our cognition, memory, mood, memory etc.
#4: Chocolate can make you happy
The age old saying comes out in light by this benefit of consumption of chocolate. Chocolate contains a neuro-transmitter named Serotonin which can makes us feel happier and cozy by altering the brain chemistry. Another type of chemical named phenyl-amine is present in chocolate in small amounts. It is the same chemical our brain makes when we fall in love.
Therefore here's we have the reason why we all love chocolate and even sometimes the chocolate buyers!!!!
8 benefits of consuming dark chocolate
Surprisingly dark chocolate is a super-food! If we can consume the right type of dark chocolate we can get amazing benefits, like boosting antioxidants, lowering blood pressure, and even reducing risk of cancer.
Dark Chocolate super food of the gods?
Dark chocolate is a full pack of heath tonic. History is the evidence as of it is true through out the Mesoamerican culture who believed that it is God's gift. He blessed them with cacao to provide stamina, heal numerous diseases, and reduce fatigue.
The fact that it was considered so pious that only priests, high government officials, military officials and great warriors can only eat. It wasn't suitable for women, children or the lower classes because they were inferior.
Here read on the benefits of dark chocolate.
1. Lowers blood pressure
The compound prostacyline present in dark chocolate help in lowering the blood pressure by increasing vasodialation. Another study showed that the more amount of intake of dark chocolate the lower risk of future cardiovascular events. Another example,of the Kuna indians of the San Blas islands of Panama, those who drinks regularly three cups of cacao beverage has lowered the risk of hypertension, myocardial infraction compared to those of mainland.
2. Fights aging
The function of antioxidants in dark chocolate comes to play for fighting aging. It fight the DNA damage that causes aging symptoms like wrinkles, graying hair and disease.
Researches also showed that the polyphenols and flavonoids in dark chocolate help protect our skin from UV rays.
3. Reduces cholesterol
Dark chocolate also imparts some of the tricks to lower the cholesterol. One of the studies showed that just a week of dark chocolate consumption can give effective results. It was enough to improve lipid profiles and decrease platelets reactivity for both men and women.
4. Improves brain function
Due to its flavoral content, Dark chocolate helps in boosting cognitive function by improving cerebral flow. Especially in elder participants, one study proved that intake of flavonoid rich food helps in better cognitive function. Another study in Italy proved that intake of flavanols in chocolate helps in reversing age related memory decline.
5. Anti-diabetic effects
Intake of dark chocolate improves glucose balance, insulin sensitivity, and inflammation markers- all the symptoms of diabetes, was shown by one research. In the study it particularly proved that those who ate dark chocolate was benefited not the ones who had white chocolate.
Very interestingly a study in Japan showed that the risk of developing diabetes was 35 percent reduced among men who had 'chocolate snake pieces' once per week versus who didn't consume it.
6. Potentially reduce the risk of developing cancer
Studies have confirmed that chronic inflammation contributes to developing the risk of cancer, including DNA mutation and growth of cancer cells. Again the property of antioxidants of dark chocolate plays its role by fighting the DNA damage that leads to cancer development, also reduces certain inflammation enzymes which encourages cancer.
7. Reduces risks of developing neurological diseases.
The content flavonoids in dark chocolate seems to effective in protecting the neurons of our brain and the nervous system. It specially reduces neuro-inflammation that give rise to diseases like Parkinson disease and Alzheimer's disease. It also process new memory by encouraging the growth of new neurons in the hippo campus.
8. Increases satiety and reduces appetite.
The researchers revealed that having dark chocolate can actually check our cravings. The smell of dark chocolate increases satiety and reduces appetite thus in turn helping to keeps the extra pounds off from our body.
9. How to choose the best dark chocolate?
Obviously not all chocolates are the same. So to get the best of the benefits go for those which contains 75% of cacao content in it. It will also ensure minimal sugar addition in it to work effectively.
10. How often should you indulge in dark chocolate?
While dark chocolate is loaded with benefits but the consumption should be limited to one square per day, or a table spoon, or two, of dark cacao made in a hot chocolate drink. Even if you don't eat it daily, but get into a habit to consume a dose of dark chocolate at least three times a week to boost up antioxidants levels and cash in all the benefits by truly exclaiming dark chocolate as 'super-food'.
More Reads:
The Stories behind famous chocolate brand names
10 things you probably didn’t know about chocolate
Amazing Benefits your body gets from eating chocolate
Meet this man who swims and plays with a giant crocodile
Do you think it is possible for humans to make connection with a crocodile. No, right? Well, then here's one man Chito from Costa Rica, who swims with a giant croc and plays with it. Chito is a fisherman. Chito calls his friend Pocho. This man proves crocs are animals with feelings too and they can be befriended. He feeds him and sometimes rides on the back of it too.
Watch the Unusual friendship Video Below
How a cup of coffee affects your body from the first sip
A single cup of coffee has rapid absorption with caffeine uptake to the blood in just over 20 minutes and will stay in the blood stream for over 12 hours,” says Dr Owen Bain, founder of the Gourmet Focus Consultancy. So you can imagine the overall effects of coffee on your body once it gets into that bloodstream!
Pulse and Blood Pressure
Immediate effect of drinking coffee is that it shoots a fraction of your blood pressure, especially if you don’t drink it often. A sudden increase in blood pressure slows down the heart rate with a single cup. More than one cup could cause acceleration of heart rate. This could be problematic to those who have history of cardio vascular diseases.
The gut
Caffeine on empty stomach can irritate the gut lining, causing pain, bloating & heartburn.
Bowel and bladder
Though it is believed that coffee stimulates defecation, Dr Bain suggests that it is a myth that drinking coffee makes you urinate frequently. This is because the diurectic effect of it is very small.
Caffeine released from drinking coffee causes release of adrenaline within 20 minutes in turn activating ‘fight or flight’ mode. Consequently pupils dilate & one might have sharper vision.
Brainpower & memory
Caffeine increases alertness of brain & concentration & so people tend to make less mistakes. Recent study suggests an enhancement in memory 24 hours after its consumption. Such memory is short-lived. There are studies that also suggest that coffee consumption regularly over lifetime is linked to less risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
As cortisol levels are high in the morning, best time to have coffee is about an hour after waking up as the cortisol will keep you energetic for a while. Increased heat production due to caffeine might induce weight reduction. After about 3 hours, as effect of caffeine reduces, you may feel a ‘crash’ which is because you actually did not get energy from caffeine but rather caffeine makes you less able to feel tired.
Caffeine in coffee is similar to Theophylline, a drug to open up lungs to make patients breathe easier.
Coffee stimulates release of Dopamine which is a ‘feel-good’ hormone. As a result, anxiety reduces & feelings of contentment increases. Therefore, women having coffee regularly exhibit less depression but again too much of it can have opposite effect, causing anxiety & restlessness.
Late evening coffees resets the internal body clock as it delays a rise in melatonin level which is body’s main sleep hormone. Natural sleep & wake cycles are decided by the changes in melatonin. So any alteration could deprive sleep.
More Reads
- Here’s what you should do, If you just drank too much Coffee
- Coffee for Health: Positive and Negative Effects of Caffeine
- Whatever You Do, Don’t Put Coffee Grounds in Your Garden
Top 5 Android/iOS Games similar to PUBG Mobile
2018 was the year of Battle Royale Games as we saw most of the giants releasing their most popular games on mobile platforms. This overwhelming popularity of Battle Royale games have changed the whole mobile gaming industry. The new addition of BR genre has been liked by players all around the world.
PlayerUnknown's Battleground, being the first battle royale game to break the number of online player records, was also the first Battle Royale game to be released . Though another PvP game DayZ already exited there before PUBG, it hugely contributed to the development and creation of PUBG.
Currently the app stores are filled with Battle Royale games . Today in this article we will find out about some alternatives to PUBG. Here is the list of games which are almost similar to PUBG and can be played as an alternative.
1. Rules of Survival (RoS)
Rules of Survival is a Battle Royale game almost identical to PlayerUnknown's Battleground. RoS is also considered as a complete ripoff of PUBG Mobile. The developer of Rules of Survival, NetEase, has already been sued by PUBG developers because of the striking resemblance with regards to game play and models, which in turn led to copyright infringement. This 'last man standing' game can be played in solo or squad mode with 120 players per game.
Despite of all the boo boos Rules of Survival is still considered one of the best alternative to PUBG mobile. You should of course try it once if you consider yourself the master of Battle Royale games.
2. Knives Out:
From the makers of 'RoS', NetEase, comes out yet another interesting and lightweight Battle Royale game called 'Knives Out'. The game has quite decent graphics compared to similar lightweight BR games and is absolute fun to play. Because of it's lightweight nature, Knives Out can even be played in some low end mobile devices which generally doesn't support other high graphics Battle Royale games. So, Battle Royale lovers with low end devices should definitely try it out.
3. Garena Free Fire:
Somewhat similar to PlayerUnknown's Battleground Mobile yet unique, Garena Free Fire is one of the first mobile Battle Royale which enjoys a good number of online player count.
Instead of 100 players like PUBG, Garena free Fire allows 50 players to dive down a picturesque island for an intense battle for survival. If you like short, intense PvP firefights then you will love this game as well.
4. Hopeless Land : Fight for Survival
Hopeless Land is a Battle Royale game having similarities to games like Rules of Survival and PlayerUnknown's Battleground. In fact it is more like RoS in terms of Gameplay and graphics. This intense 1vs 100 last man standing game is unique in many ways. With air, land and water warfare, and Hopeless Land is already attracting a lot of attention from BR game enthusiasts. The game also features specially designed tectical battlefield with Asian architectures and lots of brand new vehicle along with a helicopter, which no other BR games has yet.
5. Fortnite Mobile
A game that needs that need no introduction at all. Considered as one of the the pioneers in the the Battle Royale genre, Fornite boasts of a very healthy player count in their PC severs. With the recent debut in the app stores worldwide, this hugely popular game is considered as one of the major rival of PUBG. Fortnite has a very unique game design as compared to any other Battle Royale game out there. The gameplay is also very unique with clever use of tactics as well as weapon and crafting skills. Game modes consists of 100 PvP solo and squade matches. Definitely a must try game if you are a Battle Royale fan.