Friday, May 26, 2017

World Woman Leaders

We have and had lots of people whom we consider as great leaders. This article is about such great leaders.

The first Prime minister of Sri Lanka was Donne Stephen Senanayake. He is also the person known as the "Father of Nation" of Sri Lanka. The official residence of Sri Lankan president is called 'Temple trees'.

The first woman Prime minister in the world is Sirimavo Bandaranayke. She was the first woman Prime minister of Sri Lanka. Similarly the first president of Sri Lanka is Chandrika Kumaratunge.

Boris Yeltsin was the first president of Russian federation. In order to be a Russian president candidate, the minimum age is 35 years. A Russian president is selected for a term of six years. The person considered as the first president of France is Napoleon Bonaparte. A French president is elected for a term of 5 years.

The first Prime minister of Australia was Sir Edmund Barton. The first woman president of a nation is Maria Estella Peron. She was the first president of Argentina.

Sir John Alexander McDonald was the first Prime minister of Canada. The term of an Isreal President is 7 years. The duration of term of an Australian Prime minister is 3 years. Edith Cresson is the first woman to be a French Prime minister.

Helen Clarke is the first woman Prime minister of New Zealand. The first woman president of Brazil is Dilma Rousef. Bidhya Devi Bhari is the first woman president of Nepal. Golda Meyer is the first woman Prime Minister of Israel.
