Every great things require work and time. Only when you work you can change something.
Not only work is enough we also should have the patience to stay on the track and be persistent.
Like said before for every great things to happen time is needed. If something comes faster, then it's not gonna be that great. Learn by making mistakes. Mistakes are proof that you are doing something.
It is like Don Henley once said "Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge". Learning can be done through mistakes. Thus more the mistakes we make the more we are gonna learn things. Most successful people are also the ones who have failed the most in their work.
So don't evaluate yourself by today's atmosphere. Even if it is dark today, have the patience to wait for tomorrow with hope. It is always easy to give up. Only who is persistent waits. Only who is patient waits. And always remember one thing is only those who waits succeeds. Always remember the quote winner never quit and quitters never win. World is almost full of people who give up easily.
So all this page have is "Sweat Today Smile Tomorrow" kind of quotes to remind you not to quit at the fear of first danger you see in your path.