Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Some facts to know about British Prime Ministers

The person who is known as the first Prime Minister is Sir Robert Walpole. He was appointed as the Prime Minister of Britain on 1721 April. He is also the one who has been a British Prime Minister for longest period of time.

The candidate whose party got majority in 'House of Commons' is selected as the Prime Minister of Britain. British Queen/King appoints the Prime Minister of Britain.

The official residence of British Prime Minister is known as '10 Downing Street'. The vacation residence of British Prime Minister is Chequers. The duration of term of a British Prime Minister is five years. The Prime Minister of Britain is also known as the 'First Lord of the Treasury'.

Spencer Compton was the second Prime Minister of Britain. During the time of American independence struggle, Fredrick North was the Prime minister of Britain. William Pitt is the person who has become the youngest Prime Minister of Britain. William Windham Grenville was the Prime Minister who abolished slave trade. During the Indian independence struggle in 1857, Henry John Temple was the Prime Minister of Britain.

Benjamin Disraeli is the first and only British Prime Minister who was Jewish. Margaret Bondfield was the first woman cabinet minister of Britain. While the second world war started, Nevin Chamberlane was the Prime Minister of Britain.

Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minster who led to the victory of Britain in the second world war. Clement Attlee was the Prime Minister of Britain while India got independence. Harold McMillan is the first British prime Minister to visit India.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Ancient scientists

There were many ancient scientists in India. they have contributed very much to our sciences. Here are some ancient scientist you should know about.

Sushrutha is the ancient scientist who is known as the father of plastic surgery. Sushrutha is the author of the book 'Shalyathanthra'. Charakassamhitha is a book that explains about different diseases and treatments which is wrote by Charaka.

Charaka, Sushrutha and Vagbhata are known as the trinity of Ayurveda. Jeevaka was the court doctor of emperor Bimbisara. Aryabhata was the most famous astronomer of ancient India. Aryabhata was born in the year 476 AD in a place called Ashmaka. Ashmaka is known today as Kodungalloor. Aryabhata wrote Aryabhatiya at the age of 23. Maths and astronomy are the topics discussed in Aryabhatiya. Aryabhata is also the first one to give scientic explanation for eclipse.

He is also the one who said Earth is a constantly moving object. Arabhata is the first one to determine the value of pi accurately. Varahamihira is the person who wrote 'Brihatsamhitha'.Varahamihira was one of the scholars in the court of king Vikramaditya. Vagbhata wrote 'Ashtangahridaya'. Vagbhata lived in the seventh century AD.

Bhaskara I is the one to first use circle shape to denote zero. Bhaskara II is the mathematician who is known as the 'Euclid of India'. Bhaskara II is the writer of the book 'Sidhanthashiromani'. 'Brahmasphudasidhantha' is the first book to mention about zero.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Gupta period: Golden Era of India

The period of Guptas is called or known as the golden age of India. Gupta period was during 300-600 CE. Art, Architecture and Literature was most nourished during Gupta period.

The name of first Gupta king is Srigupta. He was succeeded by Chandragupta I. After Chandrgupta I, Samudragupta ruled. Harisena was a scholar in the court of Samudragupta. It was Harisena who called Samudragupta, the hero of hundred battles. Samudragupta is known as 'Indian Napoleon' too.

It is to be mentioned that Ramayana and Mahabharatha were compiled during Gupta period. Not only Ramayana and Mahabharatha, many of Puranas and Smritis were compiled during the Gupta period. Famous dramatists, Kalidasa and Bhasa lived during the Gupta era. Arybhatta, the great mathematician, Varahamihira, the great astronomer, Brahmagupta, famous astronomer cum mathematician lived during the Gupta period. Brahmagupta is known to initiate the study of gravitational pull.

While speaking of art, Ajanta paintings is the best example of art during the Gupta period. While speaking of architecture, the Dashavatara temple in Jhansi is the best example of marvel of Gupta architecture.

Chandragupta II succeeded Samudragupta and Kumaragupta succeeded Chandragupta II. Invasion by Huns caused the fall of Gupta empire. Huns were from central part of Asia.

Three famous ancient universities Nalanda, Taxila and Vikramsila were built during the time of Guptas. the Nalanda university was founded by Kumaragupta I.

Here is the list of Gupta rulers and the title assumed by them

Chandragupta I:   Maharajadhiraja
Samudragupta: Kaviraja
Kumaragupta I: Mahendraditya

Pataliputra was the main capital of Gupta dynasty and Ujjain was the second capital.


Greek invasion in Indian History

Disintegration of Mauryan empire caused invasion in many parts of India by the outsiders. This was because disintegration of Mauryan empire very much weakened India.

Many Central Asian powers tried to conquer parts of India during this time. The first to do so was the Bactrian Greeks. The Bactrian Greeks were also called as Indo Greeks.

Two famous Greek rulers

There are two famous Greek rulers whose name is to be mentioned when we speak of Greek influence in India. They were Dimitrius and Menander.

Dimitrius was the son of King Euthy Demus. King Euthy was a Bactrian King. Speaking of the other ruler Menander, Menander was also called as Milinda. Milinda ruled some parts of india during the period 165 BC-145 BC.

His capital was Sialkot in Punjab. He became a Buddhist after he met Buddhist saint Nagasena. 'Milinda Panha' is a known Budhist work. It was named after Milinda.
Actually 'Milinda Panha' is the compilation of questions he asked about Buddhism to Nagasena and the answers given by Nagasena.

End of Greek rule in India

Indo-Greek rule have no long role in history. After the period of Hermeus, an Indo-Greek ruler, the Greek rule ended in India. It is to be remembered that gold coins was first issued in India by the Indo Greeks.

The other Central Asian powers that attacked India besides Greek were the Sakas, the Parthians and the Kushans.
