Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Agencies of UN and their head quarters

Below is the list of different United Nation agencies and their head quarter locations.

AgencyHead Quarters
 UNICEFUnited Nations Children's Education FundNew York City, United States
 UNFPAUnited Nations Fund for Population Activities New York City, United States
 UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Geneva, Switzerland
 IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria
 ILO International Labour Organisation Geneva, Switzerland
 FAOFood and Agricultural OrganisationRome, Italy
 UNESCOUnited Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural OrganisationParis, France
 WHOWorld Health Organisation Geneva, Switzerland
 IMFInternational Monetary Fund Washington D.C, United States
 IBRD International Bank of Reconstruction and DevelopmentWashington DC, United States
 ICAOInternational Civil Aviation OrganisationMontreal, Canada
 UPU Universal Postal UnionBern, Switzerland
 ITU International Telecommunication Union Geneva, Switzerland
 WMO World Meteorological OrganisationGeneva, Switzerland
 WBG World Bank GroupWashington D.C, United States
 WIPOWorld Intellectual Property OrganisationGeneva, Switzerland
 IFADInternational Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentRome, Italy
 UNODCUnited Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeVienna, Austria

Monday, July 24, 2017

List of UN Secretary Generals (Chronologically)

Trygve Lie is the first Secretary General of United Nations. Current Secretary General is António Guterres. Guterres is the ninth UN Secretary general. A UN Secreatry General is appointed for a term of five years.

The official residence of UN Secretary General is in Sutton place, Manhattan.

Name CountryTerm UN-Regional Group
 Trygve Lie Norway    1946-1952      Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
 Dag Hammarskjöld       Sweden  1953-1961 Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
 U Thant  Myanmar         1961-1971 Asia-Pacific Group
 Kurt Waldheim Austria 1971-1982 Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
 Javier Perez de Cuellar Peru 1982-1991 Latin American and Caribbean Group(GRULAC)
 Boutros Boutros-Ghali Egypt 1992-1996 African Group
 Kofi Annan  Ghana 1997-2006 African Group
 Ban Ki-moon Korea 2007- 2017 Asia-Pacific Group
 António Guterres   Portugal 2017-present    Western European and Others Group(WEOG)