Friday, October 21, 2022

Here’s what you should do, If you just drank too much Coffee

No coffee lover can imagine a day without having a cup of coffee at its start. But hey coffee lovers, have you heard of caffeine overdose? Well, its something that happens when you drink too much coffee. We all heard too much of anything is bad. The same goes with coffee. This article discusses about caffeine overdose, and on what to do if you just drank a lot of coffee.

Coffee is an amazing, energy restoring, magical potion. It makes those long flight delays tolerable, makes you work seamlessly into the night and tastes great with any kind of pastry or dessert.

It's pretty fathomable in these cases, that you might have to drink too much depending on the situation. Well, yes it tastes so good and it's a great pick me up for when you are tired, but if you add up those lattes to all the foods that you consume on a regular basis that contain caffeine, you could end up with serious instances of anxiety.

What are the side effects of too much caffeine?

Basically, caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, making you feel more awake and alert, says women’s health expert Jennifer Wider, M.D. It can also trigger the release of the hormone adrenaline, she says, making your heart rate increase.

It is however, fine in moderation. But consuming too much caffeine can make you feel high-strung, edgy and, of course, very very tense.

The safest consumption limit of caffeine, is no more that 400 mg per day according to USDA. Different people have different tolerance levels for caffeine, you are going to feel really uptight if you go over the 400 mg limit. So it's best to limit our caffeine consumption.

An eight-ounce cup of instant coffee has about 92 milligrams of caffeine, according to the USDA. So you could drink 4 cups of that and be okay. But if your choice of coffee is a grande Starbucks Pike Place coffee, just one of those has 310 milligrams of caffeine in it!

I definitely feel I just drank a lot of coffee. What do I do?

It can take up to 9.5 hours for the caffeine levels in your bloodstream to even decrease by half, says Beth Warren, R.D.N., founder of Beth Warren Nutrition and author of Living a Real Life With Real Food. But just because you accidentally had loads of coffee doesn't mean you're totally fried.

First, start drinking water. “Staying hydrated can ease some of the symptoms caused by an overdose and help the body efficiently eliminate it,” says Wider.

Another thing you could do, says Warren is mild exercise to help your body metabolize the caffeine faster.

Eating foods with potassium or magnesium (like bananas) is also helpful, Warren says. Caffeine wipes out your body's potassium and magnesium, which can cause the tremors and jitters of caffeine overdose.

How to figure out if it's actually a caffeine overdose?

Although a caffeine over dose is not very common, it can however happen when a person consumes a ton of products that contain caffeine within a short period of time. A teenager from South Carolina, died from a caffeine overdose in 2017 after drinking a large cola, an energy drink, and a latte in under two hours, according to USA Today.

You should definitely go to a doctor if you experience any of these overdose symptoms, Wider says:

Difficulty breathing


Chest pain


Irregular Quick heartbeat


In extreme cases such as these, doctors use laxatives or activated charcoal to try and draw out the caffeine from the system. This should however only be done under a doctors care.

The best thing to do in order to avoid a situation like this is, to monitor your caffeine intake on a daily basis. If you are unable to curb the coffee temptation, staying hydrated, regular exercise and munching on bananas would come of much use.


9 popular foods you thought were healthy that actually aren’t

Certain food products have caught our attention and have stayed that way making us blindly believe that it is absolutely safe and healthy. But we never read up or do a little exploring for ourselves. Here are some of the many products that we thought were healthy but truly it is the opposite.

Juice has loads of sugar and thus packed with calories. It contains less fiber and hence the sweet is termed as ‘empty calories’ as it could increase hunger pangs & mood swings leaving one with low energy. It offers no nutritional benefit as the whole fruit for infants & children.

Unlike old theory, new research suggests that cholesterol in eggs doesn’t raise blood cholesterol which means old eggs are fine for health.

Cereals are too high in sugar that cause mood swings & hunger pangs as the energy got from it is quick & short-lived. Eating once in a while is okay but not regularly.

Unless suffering from celiac disease, eating gluten is perfectly alright as it is just a protein from wheat. Gluten-free products don’t give any additional health benefit.

Eating fat won’t make one fat & eating low-fat won’t make one thin. Simple. Also, many low-fat products are modified to include more sugar, & excess of this is linked to weight gain.

They are same like juice-packed with loads of sugar & calories but not much fiber or protein. That’s why after drinking a smoothie, one gets hungry.

They are similar to regular chips with reference to fat, calories & protein content. Eating fruits directly is a better snack.

Highly processed peanut butter is again rich in sugar & calories from added ingredients. Topping it with jelly is even more sugary. Healthy alternative will be hummus & veggies or lean meats & cheese.

In reality, this too is not healthy as it is thought to be. It too is packed with high sugar & calories which could be equivalent to 4 calorie bars. Serving with flavored yogurt & honey or syrup could only add up to the sugar content.


12 Heart-Healthy Foods That Help Slow Aging

Dr. Mike Moreno in his book 'The 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition', says that the following 12 anti-inflammatory foods can slow down the aging of one’s circulatory system.


Wild-caught Salmon is the best way to consume Omega-3 fatty acids that are in turn known to reduce inflammation (Arachidonic acid along with other toxins found in farm-raised salmon can increase inflammation). Herring, Mackerel & sardines too contain omega-3 fatty acids.


These too are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids & Vitamin E, which is a powerful immune booster.


Quercetin which is richly found in Onions is an antioxidant that prevents triggering of inflammation. Sulfur in onions too bolsters the immune system. Alternatives for quercetin are apples, broccoli, red grapes & tea.


These are packed with an antioxidant called anthocyanins that boost immunity & protects body from free radical damage. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries & cranberries too have good amount of anthocyanins.

Sweet Potatoes

Carotenoids found abundantly in Sweet Potatoes are again immunity boosting antioxidants. In fact orange, red, yellow or green fruits & veggies like carrots, yellow squash, peppers and mangoes also have rich carotenoids.


Again the carotenoids & Vitamin E found in Spinach or in any green leafy vegetable gives strong immune support.


It is an anti-inflammatory agent like onion containing sulfur that boosts the immune cell activity.


An enzyme called Bromelain in pineapple decreases inflammation. It is also an excellent source of antioxidant & vitamin C that gives immunity to the body.


Fresh ginger root has amazing anti-inflammatory property that works by hampering the inflammation-promoting enzymes in the body.


Curcumin in turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory compound.


Its powerful antioxidant property protects the heart and blood vessels thus acclaimed for its cardio vascular benefits. It has anti-clogging properties that slows progression of arterial plaques. It could also reduce blood pressure.

All vegetables

As a matter of fact, all the vegetables are of significance to the circulatory health. They contain ‘phytonutrients' -a protective disease-fighting substance. Diets rich in fruits & vegetables enhance cardiovascular health and overall longevity. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower & cabbage were found to have Sulforaphanes which acts as anti-inflammatories and antioxidants in the body linked with reduced risk of death due to cardiovascular disease.


23 logos or symbols that have hidden meanings within them

There is more to some famous symbols, icons and logos we come across every day, than that meets the eye. They have hidden meanings, ideas or messages inscribed within them, that are not easily noticeable. In here, we are revealing those "not so obvious" hidden meanings and messages behind some famous logos and symbols.

Hidden meaning in Amazon’s logo

It reflects the company’s ‘customer-centric’ mission statement that customers can buy anything from A to Z on the website with a yellow smile & a dimple connecting between the two letters A & Z in the logo.

Hidden arrow in the FedEx’s logo

Lindon Leader in 1994 designed it to communicate “forward direction, speed & precision”.

What Bluetooth actually means?

Bluetooth was named after Harald Blatand who was a Danish Viking king from the 10th century. The symbol of Bluetooth is actually a combination of his initials as written in Old Norse (ancient Danish runes).

Bear in Toblerone’s logo

On observing carefully at the mountain in Toblerone’s wrap, you will find a bear hidden. It is meant as a tribute to the city of Bern in Switzerland where Toblerone was found.

Inspiration for the USB symbol

USB symbol was inspired by Neptune’s trident. Also, the triangle, square & circle all represent the different connections one can make using the Universal Serial Bus alias USB.

The power symbol on your computer too has a meaning!

Binary system is something which engineers have used for a long time. 1 in binary language means ‘on’ & 0 means ‘off’. Thus the power button is a combination of both.

BMW logo

The logo was likely inspired by the colors of the Free State of Bavaria, the origin and production site of BMW's products.

Colorful peacock of NBC

In 1956, John J. Graham designed it to help “introduce viewers to color technology” & represented “thrilling era for both the network & changing media landscape.”

3 tiny letters on Lincoln’s shoulder on US penny

Since 1918 US has engraved three tiny letters on Lincoln’s shoulder on every penny minted. The letters are V,D&B which are the initials of Victor David Brenner who designed the portrait of Abraham Lincoln which has been used on one-cent coin ever since 1908.

Hidden signs on the polar bear image of the new Coca-Cola (winter theme)

On looking closer at the polar bear, you will actually realize that its eyes are bottle caps & nose has small cola bottles!

Sign on cosmetics

“Period After Opening’ or PAO is a symbol on cosmetics products of shell life 30 months or more that indicate how long the product can be kept or used after opening.

Gillette’s logo with a hidden detail

The letters ‘G’ & ‘i’ have “razor-sharp cuts”

Hidden image in Hershey’s Kisses logo

There is a Hershey’s Kisses itself hidden in the brown space between the white ‘K’ & ‘I’ letters.

Icons within the Unilever logo

Unilever's logo contains 25 smaller icons, each representing an important aspect of the brand's business. "Each icon has a rich meaning at its core, and represents some aspect of our effort to make sustainable living commonplace," explains the company.

Tostitos too has some message

The two "Ts" in the middle of logo represents two people sharing a chip over a bowl of dip, which is the red dot over the letter "I."

Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors

Baskin-Robbins gained success for introducing 31 original flavors, the number is even being highlighted in pink in their blue-lettered logo.

Goodwill’s logo has a smiling face

That’s true! The letter ‘g’ in Goodwill logo was created to look like a half smiling face by the famous designer Joseph Selame in 1968.

Hidden figure in the logo of Tour de France

The letters "O," "U," and "R" in the word "Tour" are made like a person riding a bicycle.

Northwest Airlines has 3 different meanings

The letter in the circle can be interpreted both as ‘N’ for North & ‘W’ for ‘West’ & the small red triangle at the top right of letter points to ‘Northwest’

‘Push pin’ in the Pinterest logo

Representing its function of allowing users to ‘pin’ or save things on virtual ‘boards’, Pinterest has a logo with letter ‘P’ representing a ‘Push Pin’.

The Beats’ logo

The letter ‘b’ in Beats’ logo looks like one is wearing a headphone.

Interesting fact about the Jif peanut butter logo

It looks almost exactly the same upside down. But the company claimed it was not intentionally designed that way.

The number 8 in the diamonds card

Take a closer look at the curved edges of the diamonds, which turn the white space in the middle of the card into a hidden eight.
