Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Countries and their Parliaments/Legislatures

Below is the list of countries and their legislatures.
  • Afghanistan: Shora
  • Argentina: National Congress
  • Australia: Federal Parliament
  • Bangladesh: Jatiyo Sansad
  • Britain:  House of Commons, House of Lords
  • Burma: Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw
  • China: National People's Congress
  • Denmark: Folketing
  • Germany: Bundestag(Lower House), Bundesrat (Upper House)
  • Hungary: National Assembly
  • India: Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha
  • Indonesia: People's Consulative Congress
  • Iran: Majlis
  • Ireland: Dail Eirean
  • Israel: Knesset
  • Japan: Diet
  • Malaysia: Majlis
  • Mangolia: Khural
  • Namibia: National Assembly, National Council
  • Nepal: Legislature Parliament of Nepal
  • Netherlands: House of Representatives, Senate
  • New Zealand: House of Representatives
  • Nigeria: House of Representatives, Senate
  • Norway: Storting
  • Oman: Majlis al-Shura, Majlis al-Dawla
  • Pakisthan: National Assembly, Senate
  • Palau: House of Delegates, Senat
  • Paraguay: Cámara de Diputados, Cámara de Senadores
  • Peru: Congress of the Republic
  • Poland: Sejm, Senate
  • Portugal: Assembleia da República
  • Romania: Grand National Assembly
  • Spain: Cortes
  • Sweden: Riksdag
  • Turkey: Grand National Assembly
  • UAE: Majlis Watani Ittihad
  • USA: House of Representatives, Senate
  • Venezuela: Asamblea Nacional
  • Yemen: Majlis al-Nuwaab
  • Zambia: National Assembly
  • Zimbabwe: House of Assembly, Senate
