Showing posts with label Countries and their Legislatures List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Countries and their Legislatures List. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Countries and their Parliaments/Legislatures

Below is the list of countries and their legislatures.
  • Afghanistan: Shora
  • Argentina: National Congress
  • Australia: Federal Parliament
  • Bangladesh: Jatiyo Sansad
  • Britain:  House of Commons, House of Lords
  • Burma: Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw
  • China: National People's Congress
  • Denmark: Folketing
  • Germany: Bundestag(Lower House), Bundesrat (Upper House)
  • Hungary: National Assembly
  • India: Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha
  • Indonesia: People's Consulative Congress
  • Iran: Majlis
  • Ireland: Dail Eirean
  • Israel: Knesset
  • Japan: Diet
  • Malaysia: Majlis
  • Mangolia: Khural
  • Namibia: National Assembly, National Council
  • Nepal: Legislature Parliament of Nepal
  • Netherlands: House of Representatives, Senate
  • New Zealand: House of Representatives
  • Nigeria: House of Representatives, Senate
  • Norway: Storting
  • Oman: Majlis al-Shura, Majlis al-Dawla
  • Pakisthan: National Assembly, Senate
  • Palau: House of Delegates, Senat
  • Paraguay: Cámara de Diputados, Cámara de Senadores
  • Peru: Congress of the Republic
  • Poland: Sejm, Senate
  • Portugal: Assembleia da República
  • Romania: Grand National Assembly
  • Spain: Cortes
  • Sweden: Riksdag
  • Turkey: Grand National Assembly
  • UAE: Majlis Watani Ittihad
  • USA: House of Representatives, Senate
  • Venezuela: Asamblea Nacional
  • Yemen: Majlis al-Nuwaab
  • Zambia: National Assembly
  • Zimbabwe: House of Assembly, Senate
